Educational Sites

Some of our members maintain educational sites for plants or other areas of interest. We list them along with a short description of the site.
As implied by its name, Wildlife Research Team, Inc., in its service to the betterment of flora and fauna through environmental projects and studies, seeks to educate, enlighten, and create awareness and understanding in the public consciousness as to these goals and purposes, to be accomplished by training, study, hands-on experience, and compound participation of effort. is dedicated to all aspects of tropical fruit growing in Hawaii.

There are thousands of photos of hundreds of varieties and species found in the state.
Hundreds of data sheets with fruit history and nutritional data are available as well as pictures of growing and pruning systems in Japan.  The site, developed by Ken Love, also contains a number of extension publications he developed for the University of Hawaii as well as updates on the 12 Trees Project. Ken's fruit posters and chefs guides to tropical fruit can be found as well as many recipes developed by Culinary students in Kona.
is an educational web site
that promotes the growing, conservation and usage of rare edibles throughout the world with an emphasis on the tropics.
Web site contains articles and photographs. Besides the web site we have email groups, forums, video and other information services. A primary goal is to be a clearing house for worldwide rarefruit and rare edibles information. (This is the site you are on now).   :-)
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Please let us know if you have a site and would like a listing in our pages. Reciprocal links are requested, you may use our Quisqualis information as provided above.

Other similar pages on Quisqualis: Organizations, Educational Sites, Nurseries/Seeds, Horticultural Products, Non Hort. Products.


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PLEASE NOTE that Articles and Photographs and Art on this site and pages are copyright © and may not be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder., its authors and owners are not responsible for the content, business practices or accuracy of any of these sites. MMVII, MMVIII